Session tiling adds a new dimension to session display in SecureCRT, giving you the ability to monitor and control devices with confidence, as well as saving time and effort. This overview discusses the basic operation of tiled sessions, tiling-related options, and interaction with the Command window.
Figure 1 below shows the basic tiled interface in SecureCRT. Tiling is selected on the Window menu. Sessions can be tiled or cascaded. On the Windows version, a vertical or horizontal orientation can be selected.
When you first run SecureCRT, tabs are the default session display. Here is an overview of tiling behaviors:
Figure 2 shows how the Command window looks with a tiled session display. The Command window interacts with tiled sessions in the same way as it does with tabbed sessions. The Send Commands to All Sessions option may be used to broadcast commands to all tiled sessions with immediate feedback.
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