Contact Us

We're always interested in hearing your comments and answering your questions.

We listen. Then we make software better.

If you have a question, comment or suggestion for our orders, sales, technical support, business development, accounting, or public relations departments, please feel free to get in touch with us. To share your thoughts about the VanDyke Software website, please use our Feedback form.

Departmental Contacts

(T = telephone, F = fax, E = email)


T: 505-332-5710
8:00am-5:00pm ()
F: 505-332-5701

Please contact VanDyke Orders to place phone orders, inquire about order status, and arrange purchase orders.


T: 505-332-5720
8:00am-5:00pm ()
F: 505-332-5701

Please contact VanDyke Sales for assistance with price quotes, licensing, and product questions.

Resellers & Partners

T: 505-332-5777
8:00am-5:00pm ()
F: 505-332-5701

Resellers and potential partners should contact Reseller Relations to learn about VanDyke programs and investigate the best way to put VanDyke Software products to work for your customers.

Technical Support

Monday - Friday
7:30am - 5:00pm ()
T: 505-332-5730
F: 505-332-5701

Please send questions, feature requests, and problem reports related to VanDyke Software products to .

Web forms are also available for asking a question, requesting a feature, and reporting a problem.

Technical Support Manager

Jake Devenport

Contact Jake with feedback regarding customer support.


Accounts Receivable - Misty Buck
T: 505-332-5785
8:00am-5:00pm ()
F: 505-332-5701

Contact Misty regarding accounts receivable questions.

Corporate Contact

VanDyke Software
4848 Tramway Ridge Dr. NE, Suite 101
Albuquerque, NM 87111-2873
phone: 505-332-5700
fax: 505-332-5701
8:00am-5:00pm ()

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