VanDyke Software

Scripting Examples


Import Keyword Highlighting INI File

SecureCRT version 7.3 introduced a keyword highlighting feature as demonstrated in the video, Keyword Highlighting in SecureCRT.

This example script facilitates importing a keyword highlighting .ini file into your SecureCRT configuration as demonstrated in the video, SecureCRT Keyword Highlighting: Importing an INI file.

Download Sample Keyword Highlighting INI files:

Example Script (8.97 KB)

How to Manually Import a Keyword INI File into SecureCRT's Configuration

If the script approach doesn't work for you, keyword highlighting definitions can be imported manually by copying the corresponding .ini file in the Keywords sub-folder found in SecureCRT's Configuration folder location.

Manual Steps (not using the script):

  1. Determine SecureCRT's Configuration folder location. (See the Configuration Paths category in SecureCRT's Options / Global Options).

    Global Options Configuration Folder

  2. Open the file browser application on your computer, navigate to SecureCRT's configuration folder, and then create a Keywords sub-folder if one does not already exist.

  3. Take a copy of the keyword highlighting .ini file you downloaded, and place it into the Keywords sub-folder.

    Import INI files into Keywords Folder

Once you have placed a copy of the keyword highlighting .ini file into the Keywords sub-folder, the title of the imported keyword file will become visible and available for selection in the Keyword Highlighting category of the Session Options window in SecureCRT.

Keyword Session Options Select Title of the Imported Keyword File to be Imported

If you desire to have the same keyword highlighting title selected in all of your saved sessions, you can change the keyword highlighting entry in the Default Session in SecureCRT and apply that change to all of your existing sessions when prompted. See the video, Sessions: 2) The Default Session for more information about how to make configuration changes apply to all of your existing and future sessions.


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