#$language = "Python" #$interface = "1.0" # MultiSessionSend.py # # Description: # Reads in sessions from a file (one session per line) and # connects to each one (one at a time) and sends a series of # commands to the remote, then disconnects from the session # and moves on to the next session. # # By default, the file containing the sessions is expected to be named # "SessionList.txt", and should be located in the current user's home # directory. Each line of the file is expected to contain the # path to the session as it appears within the Connect dialog (excluding # the leading "Sessions/" component. Here is an example file contents: # # redhat # redhat8 # # # Redhat Sessions\RedHat - XTerm # # For the sake of simplicity, this example assumes that all # sessions we're connecting to are using the SSH1 and SSH2 # protocols, with usernames and passwords saved encrypted # as part of the session configuration so that we don't need # to worry about authentication within this script. import os def Main(): errorMessages = "" sessionsFileName = os.path.expanduser("~") + "/SessionList.txt" if not os.path.exists(sessionsFileName): crt.Dialog.MessageBox( "Session list file not found:\n\n" + sessionsFileName + "\n\n" + "Create a session list file as described in the description of " + "this script code and then run the script again.") return sessionFile = open(sessionsFileName, "r") sessionsArray = [] for line in sessionFile: session = line.strip() if session: # Don't add empty lines/sessions sessionsArray.append(session) sessionFile.close() # Connect to each session and issue a few commands, then disconnect. for session in sessionsArray: #crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Connecting to Session: " + session) try: crt.Session.Connect("/S \"" + session + "\"") except ScriptError: error = crt.GetLastErrorMessage() # If we successfully connected, we'll do the work we intend to do... # otherwise, we'll skip the work and move on to the next session in # the list. if crt.Session.Connected: crt.Screen.Synchronous = True # When we first connect, there will likely be data arriving from the # remote system. This is one way of detecting when it's safe to # start sending data. while True: if not crt.Screen.WaitForCursor(1): break # Once the cursor has stopped moving for about a second, we'll # assume it's safe to start interacting with the remote system. # Get the shell prompt so that we can know what to look for when # determining if the command is completed. Won't work if the prompt # is dynamic (e.g. changes according to current working folder, etc) row = crt.Screen.CurrentRow prompt = crt.Screen.Get(row, 0, row, crt.Screen.CurrentColumn - 1) prompt = prompt.strip() crt.Screen.Send("ls -l\n") # Wait for the command to complete, by looking for the prompt to # appear once again. crt.Screen.WaitForString(prompt) crt.Screen.Send("pwd\n") # Wait for the command to complete, by looking for the prompt to # appear once again. crt.Screen.WaitForString(prompt) crt.Screen.Send("who\n") # Wait for the command to complete, by looking for the prompt to # appear once again. crt.Screen.WaitForString(prompt) # Now disconnect from the remote machine... crt.Session.Disconnect() # Wait for the connection to close while crt.Session.Connected == True: crt.Sleep(100) crt.Sleep(1000) else: errorMessages = errorMessages + "\n" + "*** Error connecting to " + session + ": " + error if errorMessages == "": crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Tasks completed. No Errors were detected.") else: crt.Dialog.MessageBox("Tasks completed. The following errors occurred:\n" + errorMessages) crt.Quit() Main()